Destiny’s Buck

Cabochon MP Destiny 4*M has a single buck this year. Destiny is a beautiful and productive young doe. She has a high, wide rear udder, a strong medial suspensory ligament and well placed, easy to milk teats. As a yearling first freshener, she milked over 1,000 lbs.

Destiny’s dam is one of our best does, Cabochon PR Indian Summer 3*M VEEE 90. Her sire’s dam is  GCH Cabochon Amelia 3*M VEEE 91.

The buckling’s sire, Cabochon DJ Casanova +*B, is the son of GCH Liberty Star Acres Annabelle 2*M EEEV 90 who has exceptional longevity, winning her latest Grand Championship at 11 years old at the highly competitive Bluff Country show. Casanova’s daughters have multiple show wins and production awards including a Superior Genetics daughter, SG Cabochon CN Whatchamacallit 2*M VEEV 90.

Sire – Cabochon DJ Casanova +*B
Dam – Cabochon MP Destiny 4*M

S19 – Buckskin Buck
S19 – Buckskin Buck

Diamond’s Quadruplets

GCH Cabochon PR Diamond Dust 3*M gave us two does and two bucks this year for her fifth freshening. This is a repeat breeding because I really loved her kids last year and I want to retain one for our herd. The pedigree for these kids has champions top and bottom and we’re expecting them to to be excellent show prospects.

As a yearling first freshener, Diamond made the ADGA ELITE list and took first place in all three rings for the only show we attended that year. As a three year old, she finished her permanent championship at the first show of the year winning Grand Champion in all three rings and Best of Breed in two rings at the Best of the Midwest show. Diamond milked 1,059 lbs as a three year old and 1,042 last year as a four year old.

Diamond’s pedigree has Superior Genectics and permanent champions top and bottom. Diamond’s dam was of one of our best does, SGCH Carl B’s Stormstruck  2*M VEEE 91. Her sire’s dam is SGCH Carl B’s OH Sweet Champagne *M VEEE 91.

The kids’ sire, Cabochon DJ Casanova +*B, is the son of GCH Liberty Star Acres Annabelle 2*M EEEV 90 who has exceptional longevity, winning her latest Grand Championship at 11 years old at the highly competitive Bluff Country show. Casanova’s daughters have multiple show wins and production awards including a Superior Genetics daughter, SG Cabochon CN Whatchamacallit 2*M VEEV 90.

Sire – Cabochon DJ Casanova +*B
Dam – GCH Cabochon PR Diamond Dust 3*M VVEE 88

S25 – Buckskin doe
S25 – Buckskin doe
S26 – Gold and white doe
S26 – Gold and white doe
S27 – Buckskin buck
S27 – Buckskin buck
S28 – Gold buck
S28 – Gold buck

Wildfire’s Triplets

Cabochon PAN Wildfire 4*M had triplets again this year with two does and a buck. These kids are bred to be excellent show prospects and they already look the part with level toplines, good angulation and strong legs which is no surpise since their is a strong show history on both sides of their pedigree.

Wildfire is a very stylish, eye-catching doe with a lovely udder with really nice fore udder extension that scored a 37 on linear appraisal as a second freshener. Wildfire has one Grand Champion win, three Reserve Grand Champions and two Best Udder awards. She milked over 900 lbs as a second freshener.

The sire, Cabochon PR Touché *B, is line bred on our lovely SGCH Carl B’s OH Champagne *M (VEEE 91) His dam is SGCH Cabochon Petit Sirah 2*M (VEEE90). who is a second generation SGCH doe. She proved herself early in the show ring finishing her permanent championship as a three year old. She then maintained a extended lactation of 496 days producing 1,238 lbs and appraised VVEE 90 while milking through. In 2021, Petit was one of only five does to earn the coveted ANDDA Total Performer award. In 2022 Petit was appraised at VEEE 90.

Sire – Cabochon PR Touché *B
Dam – Cabochon PAN Wildfire 4*M

Indian Summer’s Twins

Cabochon PR Indian Summer 3*M gave us a beautiful buck and doe this year. She was carrying quadruplets, but unfortunately one died putting her into early labor and we lost another during delivery. It’s always sad to lose kids, but I am grateful that we have two healthy kids and most of all that Indy is healthy and doing well.

Indy is a powerhouse in both the milking parlor and the show ring. As a first freshening a two year old, she milked 1,060 lbs and milked 1,200 lbs in both her second and third lactation. She has two Grand Champion wins and four Reserve Grand wins. Indy has a beautifully attached udder, scoring Excellent in mammary on Linear Appraisal. I love her foreudder (38) and her long (40), wide (33) teats make her a dream to milk by hand.

Indy’s pedigree shows her outstanding lineage with Superior Genectics and permanent champions top and bottom. Indy’s dam was of one of our best does, SGCH Carl B’s Stormstruck  2*M VEEE 91. Her sire is Cabochon XY Prosecco whose dam is SGCH Carl B’s OH Sweet Champagne *M VEEE 91.

Bodacious’ pedigree is packed with does with Excellent udders and Excellent general appearance who have some of the best production in the breed. Both his dam and sire’s dam are EEEE 92 does who have milked more than 1300 lbs in a lactation. His dam, SG Better Wayz Harmony Carabear 3*M EEEE 92, is the new all time breed leader in butterfat and has been an ADGA Elite doe for the last six years. His sire’s dam, SG Better Wayz Isabelle 3*M EEEE 92, has made the top 10 list for butterfat multiple times and has been an ADGA Elite doe for the last four years.  

Sire – Better Wayz Bodacious *B
Dam – Cabochon PR Indian Summer 3*M

Juniper’s Triplets

Cabochon WM Juniper 5*M kicked off our 2024 kidding season with triplets. I matched Juniper with Better Wayz Bodacious *B with the goal of maintaining Juniper’s width, open ribbing, dairy strength, and teat size while increasing udder height and improving shoulder assembly. The kids definitely have the width and ribbing I was hoping for. Time will tell on the rest.

Juniper is a beautiful doe with outstanding dairy strength. She has a long, lean neck and incredible width. Some of Juniper’s strongest confromational points are her shoulder assembly, rear legs, back and rump. Juniper’s teats are wide (35), long (40) and exceptionally easy to milk. As a yearling, she already had very nice foreudder extension (34), height (34) and arch (30). Juniper won a Grand Champion leg as a junior with the judge commenting on her open ribbing and dairyness. As a bonus, her blue eyes and moon spots bring a little variety to the herd.

Bodacious’ pedigree is packed with does with Excellent udders and general appearance who have some of the best production in the breed. Both his dam and sire’s dam are EEEE 92 does who have milked more than 1300 lbs in a lactation. His dam, SG Better Wayz Harmony Carabear 3*M EEEE 92, is the new all time breed leader in butterfat and has been an ADGA Elite doe for the last six years. His sire’s dam, SG Better Wayz Isabelle 3*M EEEE 92, has made the top 10 list for butterfat multiple times and has been an ADGA Elite doe for the last four years.  

Sire – Better Wayz Bodacious *B
Dam – Cabochon WM Juniper 5*M

Laya’s Twin Does

Cabochon WM Himalaya had a pretty set of twin doelings and is doing a wonderful job as a first time mom. Laya earned her first Grand Champion wind as a junior and I’ve been eagerly awaiting her first freshening to get her back in the show ring. She’s off to a great start for production, milking more than 4 lbs on her first test at only 11 days fresh.

The doelings are sired by Cabochon PR Pando *B. Pando is also the sire of two other does in our herd, Cabochon PAN Belive In Angels 5*M and Cabochon PAN Wildfire 4*M.

Sire – Cabochon PR Pando *B
Dam – Cabochon WM Himalaya

Amelia’s Quadruplet Bucks

GCH (pending) Cabochon Amelia 3*M VEEE 91 blessed us with four bucklings this year. She decided to deliver at 3 AM but made up for that offense by having a super easy and quick delivery. The kids are sired by our new junior herdsire, Better Wayz Bodacious *B.

Bodacious’ pedigree is packed with does with “Excellent” udders and general appearance who have some of the best production in the breed. Both his dam and sire’s dam are EEEE 92 does who have milked more than 1300 lbs in a lactation. His dam, SG Better Wayz Harmony Carabear 3*M EEEE 92, is the new all time breed leader in butterfat, and has been an ADGA Elite doe for the last six years. His sire’s dam, SG Better Wayz Isabelle 3*M EEEE 92, has made the top 10 list for butterfat multiple times and has been an ADGA Elite doe for the last four years.  

Amelia is a classically beautiful goat with a Linear Appraisal score VEEE 91 as a six year old topping her four year old score of VEEE 90. At seven years old, Amelia finished her permanent championship and milked 1,091 lbs in 294 days proving she has the longevity to continue perfoming well into her maturity.

Sire – Better Wayz Bodacious *B
Dam – GCH (pending) Cabochon Amelia 3*M VEEE 91

Champagne’s Twins

SGCH Carl B’s OH Sweet Champagne *M VEEE 91 gave us a gorgeous set of buck/doe twins this year. Both kids have beautiful top lines and are promising show prospects. It’s hard to beat their pedigree with their dam, sire’s dam and sire’s sire’s dam are all champion FS 91 does.

We have seen remarkable performance from all of our Champagne offspring both on the milkstand and in the show ring, which is why she is one of our favorite does and heavily used in our program. We have two of her daughters in our herd – SGCH Cabochon Petit Sirah 2*M VVEE 90 and Cabochon MP Glass of Brandy who earned her first Grand Champion as a Junior and is a yearling first freshener this year. We have also made heavy use of two of her sons – Cabochon XY Prosecco and Cabochon ZZ Dom Pérignon *B (2022 Elite Sire). Prosecco is producing excellent udders with his daughters GCH (pending) Cabochon PR Diamond Dust 3*M, Cabochon PR Indian Summer 3*M and, Cabochon PR Trinket 3*M all scoring “Excellent” on mammary in Linear Appraisal and his youngest, Cabochon PR Polka Dot who just freshened this year looking very promising as well. Dom Pérignon has two daughters in our herd – Cabochon DP Amber 3*M and Cabochon DP High Tide 3*M who milked over 1300 lbs as a second Freshener.

Ibn is an AI kid sired by SG Heaven’s Hollow Winter Soldier +B.  Ibn has incredibly soft dairy skin, open ribbing, a tight front end assembly and beautiful angularity. He was one of those kids that was gorgeous from the day he hit the ground. 

Ibn’s dam, GCH (penidng) Cabochon Amelia VEEE 91, is a beautifully angular doe with excellent capacity and one of the best foreudders in the breed scoring 41 on Linear Appraisal. Amelia milks more than 1,100 pounds in a lactation.

Ibn’s sire’s dam, SGCH Wyojem Wendy Kiki (EEEE 91), is a Superior Genetics Grand Champion who has many outstanding accomplishments including:
-2012 National Reserve Best Udder
-2013 National Champion Nigerian Dwarf
-2014 Top Ten Milk Production
-LA of EEEE 91 at 8 years old

Sire – Cabochon WS Ibn Battuta *B
Dam – SGCH Carl B’s OH Sweet Champagne *M VEEE 91

Dark Chocolate Doeling, R25
Black Buck, R26

Circe’s Twins

Cabochon WM Circe delivered adorable twin bucklings. Since Circe is a first freshener, these boys will go as wethers while we evaluate Circe’s production and udder conformation.

Circe is a elegant young doe with a lot of dairyness. She has a long, lean neck and a beautifully level topline. Circe earned her dry leg with a Grand Champion win as a dry yearling. I’m looking forward to seeing how she performs on her first milk test. She already takes top honors for large teats – I think she may bump Indy out of first place for largest teats in the herd!

Prosecco is a stong buck whose daughters have amazing udders with excellent attachments and large, well-placed teats. I have three milking daughters who have all appraised “Excellent” on mammary and who millk 1,000-1,200 pounds. One is already a finished champion at three years old. I retained another doeling last year who earned her first leg with a Grand Champion as a junior. Prosecco is the son of SGCH Carl B’s OH Sweet Champagne *M LA: VEEE 91. His sire’s dam is also a Superior Genetics VEEE 90 doe, SG Pocket Sized TB Xara.

Sire – Cabochon XY Prosecco
Dam – Cabochon WM Circe

Gold buckling, R15
Buckskin buckling with blue eyes, R16

Dryas’ Triplets

Cabochon MP Dryas blessed us with triplets as a fist freshener this year. Her buckling will go as a wether and her two doelings will be available. These kids are line bred on GCH Cabochon Amelia (VEEE 91), a doe who excels in dairyiness and has one of the nicest foreudders (41) in the breed.

Dryas’s dam is GCH Cabochon PR Diamond Dust 3*M VVEE 88 (2F) who has a beautiful udder with excellent attachements, a wide arch (36) and ideal teat placement (25). Diamond is also an excellent milker who earned ADGA Elite status as a first freshener. Dryas looks like she will also be an excellent milker with 4.9 lbs on her first test.

The sire, Cabochon WS Ibn Battuta *B, is an promising young buck. His phenomenally soft dairy skin, open rib spacing, tight front end assembly, and beautiful angularity made him a keeper from birth. Ibn’s dam, GCH Cabochon Amelia (VEEE 91) is a beautiful doe with excellent production milking over 1,100 pounds. Ibn’s sire’s dam, SGCH Wyojem Wendy Kiki (EEEE 91), is a Superior Genetics Grand Champion who has many outstanding accomplishments including: 2012 National Reserve Best Udder, 2013 National Champion Nigerian Dwarf, 2014 Top Ten Milk Production, and LA of EEEE 91 at 8 years old.

Sire – Cabochon WS Ibn Battuta *B
Dam – Cabochon MP Dryas

Light Gold Doe, R21
Dark Gold Doe, R18
Buckskin Wether, R19