Why Does Nigerian Dwarf Milk Taste So Good?

Nigerian Dwarf milk is so sweet and creamy that many people prefer it over cow’s milk. One look at the chart below (2011 data from DHI) shows that Nigerian Dwarf goat milk has the highest levels of butterfat compared to any other dairy goat breed. Butterfat is what gives milk a sweet flavor and Nigerians have sweetest, richest milk of all the dairy goat breeds. And if you are a cheese maker, you’ll find the higher protein content of Nigerian milk gives higher cheese yields than other dairy breeds.

Butterfat Protein by Breed

Please don’t confuse the goat milk that can be purchased in the grocery store with fresh, clean Nigerian Dwarf milk. Our Nigerian milk has no “goaty” taste and we have yet to have a single person be able to identify it as goat milk.

How To Keep Milk Tasting Great

Of course we take great care to house our girls in clean pens separate from our bucks and milk in a dedicated milking parlor which are both important steps to ensure the milk has the best possible flavor.

If you are milking a Nigerian at home, we recommend milking in a separate room from the main barn if possible or at least in the cleanest area. Milk can pick up flavors when exposed to strong odors in the environment. Milking outside the barn in fresh air can also be a great choice when the weather is nice.

After milking, it is important to filter and chill your milk as soon as possible.  We put our milk jars in the freezer for about an hour before moving them to the fridge. You can also chill milk in an ice water bath or an alcohol water bath that is kept in the freezer between chilling sessions. The faster you can drop the temperature of your milk, the fresher it will taste and the longer it will keep.

After milking, be sure to clean and store your equipment. Always rinse your milking buckets and jars in luke warm water before washing in the hottest possible water. (Hot water will set milk stone on the surface of your equipment will will give bacteria a foothold to grow and make your milk go off so it’s important to rinse in tepid water first.)  You can use acid wash are vinegar to remove milk stone buildup.

Stainless steel and glass are the best options for milking pails and milk storage. Don’t use plastic unless it is specifically made for milking equipment because plastic will harbor bacteria. Plastic milk jugs from the grocery store are meant for one time use and disposal. They can’t be cleaned effectively and if you are reusing them, you may notice that your milk tastes off or doesn’t keep very long. I find 1/2 gallon jars with plastic lids work great for storing milk and they are easy to keep clean.