
Dolly’s Twin Bucklings

Dolly once again started off our kidding season delivering twin bucklings on January 10th. These boys are available as herd sires with proven performance on both sides of the pedigree – LA scores of 90 & 91 for dam and sire’s dam, multiple Grand Champions wins on their dam and a SGCH for sire’s dam, and both dam and sire’s dam milk over 900 pounds.

Liberty Star Acres Annabelle 2*M (EEEV 90) “Dolly”, has exceled in the show ring with two Grand Champion wins, four Reserve Grand Champion wins and numerous first place wins. Her conformation is proven by Linear Appraisal having twice scored Ex 90. And her production is documented with Advanced Registry DHIR milk test milking over 900 pounds. Her daughter, SG Cabochon ZZ Sierra Nevada 3*M, has earned her Superior Genetics designation, two Grand Champion legs and multiple Reserve Grand Champion wins.

The kids’ sire, Cabochon ZZ Dom Pérignon *B “Perry”, brings together exceptional genetics for conformation and production from both his sire and dam.  Perry’s dam, SGCH Carl B’s OH Sweet Champagne *M (EX VEEE 91). is a Superior Genetics doe, a permanent champion, and milks over 900 pounds. Perry’s sire, Dynamo Falcon Ziggzag +*B, is proven to increase milk production, teat size and MSL. He has multiple daughters with Superior Genetics, ELITE and EX 90 & 91 LA scores.

Sire – Cabochon ZZ Dom Pérignon *B
Dam – Liberty Star Acres Annabelle 2*M (EEEV 90)

Buckskin buck, N1
Buckskin buck, N1
Black & white buck, N2 (Orange color is from navel dip)
Black & white buck, N2
Dolly’s 2021 bucklings together
Dam’s udder at 9 years old, 8th freshening
Sire’s dam, SGCH Carl B’s OH Sweet Champagne *M (EX VEEE 91)

2021 Kidding Schedule

Our 2021 Kidding Schedule is posted and we are now accepting reservations for 2021 kids. Many of our does have Grand Champion show wins, LA scores of 90+, Elite designations and Superior Genetics awards.

We breed for excellent milk production, correct conformation and competitiveness in the show ring. All of our does are backed by DHIR milk test records and Linear Appraisal scores. We do annual testing for CAE, CL and Johne’s and maintain a negative herd.

You can see all of our breedings along with due dates and pricing on our 2021 Kidding Schedule. As always, I’m happy to answer any questions you may have about our herd so contact me any time.

Our newest permanent champion, SGCH Cabochon Petit Sirah 2*M

Amelia’s Buckling

Amelia delivered a much anticipated AI buckling by Heaven’s
Hollow Sig Sauer,
the 2015 ADGA Spotlight Sale Nigerian Dwarf Buck, on
April 20th.

His pedigree certainly has a lot to offer as a herd sire. His dam milked 1,104 pounds last year and has excellent dairy strength and lovely general appearance. She scored VEEE on Linear Appraisal as a 4 year old with an “E” in mammary.

His sire’s dam, SGCH Wyojem Wendy Kiki *M, has many outstanding
accomplishments including 2012 National Reserve Best Udder, 2013 National Champion Nigerian Dwarf, 2014 Top Ten Milk Production, and LA of EEEE 91 at 8 years old.

Sire – Cabochon ZZ Dom Pérignon
Dam – SG Carl B’s MB Morning Glory *M VEEV 90

Amelia in 2019 – 4 years old, third freshening, milked 1,104 pounds in 305 days

Holly’s Twins

Hollyhock delivered twins on April 18th with the same style and grace with which she does everything. Holly is a yearling first freshener and she is going a wonderful job raising her kids and producing plenty of milk for them.

Holly is a beautiful, long and wide chamoisee doe with blue eyes. Both her sire, Aubrey’s Acres Phan Boy (VEE 90), and dam, SG Carl B’s MB Morning Glory *M (VEEV 90), have scored Ex90 on Linear Appraisal and her dam has a Superior Genetics award.

The kids are sired by Cabochon ZZ Dom Pérignon who brings together exceptional genetics for conformation and production from both his sire and dam. We expect his kids to excel in both the show ring and on the milk stand. Perry’s dam is SGCH Carl B’s OH Sweet Champagne *M (VEEE 91), His sire is Dynamo Falcon Ziggzag (VEE 90).

Sire – Cabochon ZZ Dom Pérignon
Dam – Cabochon PB Hollyhock

M44 – Chamoisee doeling
M44 – Chamoisee doeling
M45 – Chamoise wether with blue eyes
M45 – Chamoise wether with blue eyes

Glory’s 2020 Buckling

Glory delivered a very handsome single buckling on April 22nd. This blue-eyed stunner is exceptionally friendly and always looking for an opportunity to snuggle with someone. He has a beautiful wide, flat rump, just like Glory.

His dam, SG Carl B’s MB Morning Glory *M, earned her Superior Genetics designation in 2016, making the list for the top 15% of all Nigerian Dwarf does for both production and type. Last year she scored FS 90 on Linear Appraisal as a six year old. She has received a score of Excellent on her rump three years in row.

His sire, Cabochon ZZ Dom Pérignon, brings together exceptional genetics for conformation and production from both his sire and dam. Perry’s dam,  SGCH Carl B’s OH Sweet Champagne *M (VEEE 91), is a finished champion in the show ring and has earned an ADGA Superior Genetics award. At four years old she scored VEEE 91 on Linear Appraisal after earning VEEE 90 as a three year old.

Perry’s sire, Dynamo Falcon Ziggzag (VEE 90), has excellent conformation (scoring Ex 90 twice on Linear Appraisal) and brings phenomenal milk production.  His maternal granddam (Zippy) milked an incredible 1,600 pounds in 305 days. Ziggzag’s first daughter in our herd, SG Cabochon ZZ Sierra Nevada 3*M, earned a Superior Genetics Designation on her very first lactation milking 831 pounds as a yearling first freshener. His second daughter in our herd, SG Cabochon ZZ Calliope, made her debut on the Elite doe list at the 98th percentile and earning her Superior Genetics award as a yearling first freshener.

Sire – Cabochon ZZ Dom Pérignon
Dam – SG Carl B’s MB Morning Glory *M VEEV 90

Glory is such a good mamma
8 Weeks old – growing fast!

Sierra’s Triplets

Sierra blessed us with a quick and easy delivery of triplets on March 23rd. Two of the kids have Sierra’s unusual red coloring and the third is a burnt umber so it will be fun finding names that fit her “Fire” theme.

Sierra (SG Cabochon ZZ Sierra Nevada 3*M) is an exceptional young doe who has already earned two Grand Champion wins. She milked 831 pounds as a yearling first freshener and we are expecting her to milk over 1,000 pounds this year as a three year old. Sierra has also received the ADGA “Superior Genetics” designation documenting her superiority in both conformation and milk production.

Pando (Cabochon PR Pando*B) is a sharp young buckling that is very wide and open. Both his dam and sire’s dam have wonderful teat placement and beautiful udders so we are looking for more of that in his daughters.

Sire – Cabochon PR Pando*B
Dam – SG Cabochon ZZ Sierra Nevada 3*M

Light Buckskin Doe M41
Light Buckskin Doe M41
Buckskin Doe M42
Buckskin Doe M42
Buck M43 on left, Doe M41 on right
Buck M43 – available as a herd sire
SG Cabochon Sierra Nevada 2*M, VEEV 89

Monserrat’s Triplets

Monserrat gifted us with a conveniently timed (8:00 PM), easy delivery on March 22th. She took to mothering immediately and has been an incomparable mother ever since. Anytime a baby gets a little too far away, you can hear her distinctive voice ringing through the barn to call the wayward kid back to her side.

Since Monserrat is a first freshener, we plan to wether these kids so we can evaluate her development before determining if we want to offer bucks from her. But there is a lot to like about these guys so I may be repeating this breeding next year. I’m quite pleased with Monserrat’s first milk test where she miked 3.5 lbs at only 2 weeks fresh.

Sire – Cabochon ZZ Dom Pérignon
Dam – Cabochon PB Monserrat

Chamoise Buck – M38
Chamoise Buck – M38
Chamoise Buck – M39
(That’s navel dip on his foot, not blood)
Chamoise Buck – M39
(That’s navel dip on his foot, not blood)
Black Buck – M40
Black Buck – M40
Monserrat – Grand Champion Jr Doeling as a yearling

Chenin’s Triplets

Chenin easily delivered triplets just after midnight on March 20th. It took her a little while to warm up to the new, wet, squiggly things in her pen and she ultimately decided that two kids was enough responsibility for a first time mom. So the third boy has become a bottle kid who now rules both the house and the barn while his brother and sister hang out with mom.

These kids are line bred on one of our favorite does, SGCH Carl B’s OH Sweet Champagne *M VEEE 91, and we are planning to retain the doeling. Chenin milked an impressesive 3.7 pounds on her first milk test and I’m eager to see how she performs throughout the year.

Sire – Cabochon ZZ Dom Pérignon
Dam – Cabochon XY Chenin Blanc

Gold Doe – M33
Gold Doe – M33
Gold Buck – M34
Gold Buck – M34
Buckskin Buck “Little Joe” – M35
Buckskin Buck “Little Joe” – M35

Maple’s Twin Doelings

Maple delivered a sweet pair of twin doelings on March 18th. I really like the pedigree on these kids and expect them to be excellent show prospects as well as nice milkers. This girls will be be 5th generation milk star does if put on milk test.

Their sire, Cabochon ZZ Sweet William, has produced some exceptional daughters. We kept three daughters from his kid crop and between them they achieved three Grand Champion wins, one Reserve Grand Champion and a Superior Genetics award.

Their dam, Cabochon PB Mapleshade 4*M VVEV 88, comes from a line of proven milkers and has a beautiful, correct udder with soft, easily expressed teats. Maple’s 2018 doeling, Cabochon XY Sassafras 5*M , won Grand Champion Jr Doeling at her very first show.

Sire – Cabochon ZZ Sweet William
Dam – Cabochon PB Mapleshade 4*M

Chamoisee doe – M31
Buckskin doe – M32