Penelope’s Quadruplets

Penelope delivered an adorably matched set of Mini Alpine quadruplets on February 15th – 2 does, 2 bucks. Just like last year, Penelope waited until Kati could be with her before delivering. I kept an eye on her most of the night and all morning while she pawed and paced but refused to deliver. Once Kati returned from her violin lesson and checked in on Penelope, it was less than 10 minutes before baby number one was on the ground. Was there ever a stronger bond between a girl and her goat?

Our Mini Alpine kids are registered with the Miniature Dairy Goat Association and come from parents with quality proven by Linear Appraial scores and milk test data. Their dam, Carl B’s BJ PenelopeRose *M (VEVV 89), has scores of Excellent in the all important back, rump and mammary system. Their sire, Aubrey’s Acres Phan Boy (VEE 90), delivers solid udders while reducing overall size.

Mini Alpines make wonderful homestead milk goats who can produce almost a gallon a day of rich, delicious milk – perfect for drinking fresh or making cheese and ice cream.

All four kids are available. Contact us for more information.

M6 Doeling – Lilac
M6 Doeling – Lilac
M7 Doeling – Ladyslipper
M7 Doeling – Ladyslipper
M4 Buckling
Lilac & M4 Buckling
M5 Buckling
M5 Buckling
M4 & Ladyslipper
The boys
Penelope and her kids

Triplets for Penelope

Penelope started off our kidding season on Wednesday about 6:00 p.m.  with two boys and a girl.  Kati midwifed solo and did a fabulous job getting the kids dried off and warmed up in the frigid 0 degree weather. Needless to say, the kids are spending a lot of time in their heat barrel.

Photo of Mini Alpine bucling
Chamoise buckling

Light buckling

Doeling & Clayton getting to know each other

Buckling peeking out of the heat barrel

Mini Alpines!

Penelope delivered beautiful twin doelings on Sunday, March 13th around 9:00 p.m.  She had been pawing most of the day so we knew she was going into labor and were able to be with her when she delivered. Both girls were up and nursing in record time and after a little first-time mom confusion, Penelope quickly figured out her role in this adventure and settled in to be an excellent momma.

Photo of Alpine doe with mini alpine kids


We are excited to venture into the world of mini Alpines and will most likely be retaining one of these girls to see for ourselves how they live up to their reputation for being exceptional homestead milkers with the richer milk of a Nigerian combined with increased production from the Alpine. But they are both so darned cute it will be hard to choose which one to keep!



Photo of mini Alpine doeling
Baby goats make even the most atrocious barn fashions look cute!

She’s a little princess and she knows it!