Glory’s Triplets

After several nights of midnight barn checks, Glory finally delivered triplets on Sunday February 25th.  Glory is an experienced mom and is doing a great job caring for the kids.  These kids have Superior Genetics awards on both sides of their pedigree.

Moon spotted buckling
Blue eyed, light buckskin buckling – this boy is really wide and would make a promising herd sire
Glory’s triplets

Mapleshade’s Twins

Mapleshade delivered buck/doe twins on Saturday morning, February 24th.  The doeling was giving her first-time mom problems by trying to come into the world with her head tilted sideways. Poor Maple was doing her best but we finally had to push the girl back inside enough to re-position her head and then she came out okay with just a little traction.  After that her smaller brother entered the world with much less drama.  We are planning to retain a Xylo daugher this year, so we won’t be offering this girl for sale until all of the does bred to Xylo have kidded.

Maple’s doeling
Maple’s buckling

Amanda’s Girls

Amanda decided to deliver her kids ahead of schedule, and in the middle of the night.  But I’ll forgive her the sleep deprivation she caused because she gave us two beautiful, blue eyed doelings. Unfortunately we lost a third kid when I thought she was done and ran in the house for more towels and she delivered one more but the sac didn’t break.  A difficult reminder why it’s so important to be there when kids are born. Even 5 minutes can mean the difference between joy or heartbreak.

Thankfully the two doelings are doing well and Amanda is making plenty of extra milk so I’m excited to see what this lactation brings for her.  We may be retaining one of these sassy girls as we would like to add another Casanova daughter to the herd.


Dolly’s Quadruplets

Dolly delivered four fabulous kids for us on Sunday with two does and two bucklings. The birth went quickly and Dolly delivered all four with ease. The littlest boy, only 1 pound 14 ounces, needed to spend some time in the house getting warmed up then he was off to the races fighting for his share at the milk bar.

Bucklings on the left with a sister on the right
Buckling #1
Clayton quickly dubbed the smallest boy “Nigel the Tiny Nigi”
Nigel nursing
Doeling #1
Doeling #1 – the official straw inspector
Doeling #2

Triplets for Penelope

Penelope started off our kidding season on Wednesday about 6:00 p.m.  with two boys and a girl.  Kati midwifed solo and did a fabulous job getting the kids dried off and warmed up in the frigid 0 degree weather. Needless to say, the kids are spending a lot of time in their heat barrel.

Photo of Mini Alpine bucling
Chamoise buckling
Light buckling
Doeling & Clayton getting to know each other
Buckling peeking out of the heat barrel