Fable’s Quads – Mini Alpine’s

“Fable’s Fabulous Four” get the award for the most colorful litter of the year. Each of these boys has a personality as distinct as their coloring. Fable (aka Trouble) is quite small for a Mini Alpine and these kids are 75% Nigerian so are great candidates as herd sires for a MIni Alpine herd looking for quality genetcis to bring their size down.

Fable is a beautiful doe with a stunning udder and high milk production. She has everything you want in a MIni Alpine with a proven pedigree to back her up. Fable’s dam is Carl B’s RP Novel *M VEEE 90 and her sire is Cabochon DJ Casanova *B out of Liberty Star Acres Annabelle 2*M who has the longevity we look for, scoring Ex 90 for the third time at 8 years old. Casanova has already proven his abiltiy to sire daughters with outstanding production and excellent conformation. He is sire to SG Cabochon CN Whatchamacallit 2*M “Libby” VEEV 90 who is a 1,200 pound milker in our herd and he has several daughters in other herds as well.

The kids’ sire, Cabochon SIG Marco Polo AI *B, excels in general appearance and dairy character. Marco’s dam, Cabochon Amelia 3*M VEEE 91,  is a beautiful doe with beautiful conformation and excellent production milking more than 1,100 pounds in her third lactation.

Marco is sired by the 2015 ADGA Spotlight Sale Nigerian Dwarf Buck, Heaven’s Hollow Sig Sauer. Sig Sauer’s dam, SGCH Wyojem Wendy Kiki (EEEE 91), is a Superior Genetics Grand Champion who has many outstanding accomplishments including:
-2012 National Reserve Best Udder
-2013 National Champion Nigerian Dwarf
-2014 Top Ten Milk Production
-LA of EEEE 91 at 8 years old

We will make the twp best bucklings availalbe as MDGA registered Mini Alpine herd sires and the others will be available as pets.

Sire – Cabochon SIG Marco Polo AI *B
Dam – Cabochon CN Fable

Polled Chocolate Buck, P67
Polled Buckskin Buck, P68
Sungau Buck, P69
Polled Buckskin and White Buck, P70

Wildfire’s Triplets

Wildfire blessed us with three long, stylish kids this year. I really like all of these kids and wish I had room to retain them because I think they will make great show prospects as well as fabulous milkers.

Cabochon PAN Wildfire 4*M VEEV 87 already has one Grand Champion win as a Junior doe and earned three Reserve Grand Champions and two Best Udder awards so far this year as a second freshening two year old. Wildfire is a very stylish, eye-catching doe with a lovely udder with really nice fore udder extension that scored a 37 on linear appraisal as a second freshener. She has so much potential and I’m thrilled to have her in our herd.

The kids’ sire is Cabochon DJ Casanova *B out of Liberty Star Acres Annabelle 2*M who has the longevity we look for, scoring Ex 90 for the third time at 8 years old. Casanova has already proven his abiltiy to sire daughters with outstanding production and excellent conformation. He is sire to SG Cabochon CN Whatchamacallit 2*M “Libby” VEEV 90 who is a 1,200 pound milker in our herd and he has several daughters in other herds as well.

Sire – Cabochon DJ Casanova *B
Dam – Cabochon PAN Wildfire 4*M VEEV 87

Buckskin Doe, P63
Buckskin Doe, P64
Buckskin Buck, P65

Nellie’s Triplets

Nellie was our last yearling to freshen this year and also our youngest. She did an amazing job delivering triplets quickly and easily. This is the first daughter of our young buckling, Cabochon DP Dry Ice *B, to freshen and I really like what I’m seeing.

Nellie is a very pretty doe with correct front and rear legs and a snug udder with great attachments. Given her pedigree, it’s no wonder. Her dam is CH (pending) Cabochon Amelia 3*M VEEE 91 and her sire’s dam is CH (pending) Cabochon PR Diamond Dust 3*M VVEE 88, ELITE doe whose dam and sire’s dam are both SGCH VEEE 91 does. There is so much excellence in her pedigree, I’m excited to watch her mature.

The kids’ sire, Cabochon ZZ Sweet William *B, has daughters with multiple show wins and production awards including a Superior Genetics Grand Champion daughter, SGCH Cabochon Petit Sirah 2*M VEEE 90 and his newest daughter Cabochon WM Juniper who freshened with a stunning first freshener udder this year.

Sire – Cabochon ZZ Sweet William *B
Dam – Cabochon DI Nellie Bly

Buckskin Doe, P60
Blue Eyed Buckskin Doe, P61
Buckskin Buck, P62

Tsunami’s Triplets

Tsunami easily delivered triplets this year and is milking really well with 4.1 pounds on her first test at 52 days in milk. Tsnuami has a socked on udder with excellent rear udder height and a very nice fore udder. This is a repeat breeding because we really like the daughter we retained from this pairing last year, Cabochon CN Liberty Belle, who earned a Grand Champion win this year as a dry yearling.

The kids’ sire is Cabochon DJ Casanova *B out of Liberty Star Acres Annabelle 2*M who has the longevity we look for, scoring Ex 90 for the third time at 8 years old. Casanova has already proven his abiltiy to sire daughters with outstanding production and excellent conformation. He is sire to SG Cabochon CN Whatchamacallit 2*M “Libby” VEEV 90 who is a 1,200 pound milker in our herd and he has several daughters in other herds as well.

The doeling is available and the boys will be available as wethers to a pet home.

Sire – Cabochon DJ Casanova *B
Dam – Cabochon DP Tsunami 3*M

Buckskin doe, P57
Buckskin buck, P58
Black and white buck, P59

Madrigal’s Triplets

Madrigal freshened April 2nd with a beautiful udder, tons of capacty, large teats and more than enough production to feed triplets with plenty to spare. As a yearling first freshener, she is milking as much as some of the more mature does. Because Madrigal is a first freshener this year, her bucks will be available to a pet home as wethers.

Madrigal is the daughter of SG Cabochon AR Windsong 3*M who earned mulitple Elite awards and milked 1,390 lbs as a five year old. Early indications are that Madrigal will be the equal of her dam and perhaps even better.

The kids’ sire, Cabochon DP Dry Ice *B, is a young buck we kept out of a first freshener because his dam’s udder was so spectacluar. His dam, Cabochon PR Diamond Dust 3*M, Elite, VVEE 88 (2F) just earned all three legs of the permanent championship at the first show of 2022 and is tracking to milk 1,100 pounds this year. So while it is incredibly rare for us to keep a buck out of a first freshener, I’m so glad we did.

Sire – Cabochon DP Dry Ice *B
Dam – Cabochon Madrigal

Chocolate doe, P44
Buckskin and white buck; P45
Buckskin buck, P46

Trinket’s Doeling

Trinket was AI bred to Aubrey’s Acres Phan Boy +B (VEE 90) and delivered a single doeling on March 30th. The doeling is long and wide like her dam with tremendous width between the hocks. She has the build and the pedigree to be an exceptional milker.

As a first freshener last year, Trinket milked an amazing 1,168 with 6.3% butterfat. She also appraised VVEE 87 on Linear Appraisal with “Excellent” in mammary. Trinket’s large, soft teats make her one of the easiest goats in the herd to hand milk. Both Trinket’s dam and sire’s dam are Superior Genetics does who have proven themselves with Grand Champion wins in the show ring and with award winning performance on the milk stand.

Phan Boy is well under the height limit at 22.5 inches at 4 years old and is proven to reduce height in his kids. He should also add longevity to his kids – his dam, CH The Schifsky’s TLC Farm Faith, achieved a Linear Appraisal score of EEEE 91 at 10 years old.

Sire – Aubrey’s Acres Phan Boy +B (VEE 90)
Dam – Cabochon PR Trinket 3*M

Chamoisee/Buckskin doe, P43

Ma Cherie’s Twins

Ma Cherie deliviered adorable twins on March 4th. These kids are another line breeding on SGCH Carl B’s OH Champagne *M (VEEE 91). Two of our goals in 2022 were to retain another Prosecco daughter and to keep a couple kids line bred on Champagne. Ma Cherie’s doeling checks both of those boxes so we are retaining her for our breeding program. Because Ma Cherie is a first freshener this year, her buck will be going to a pet home as a wether.

Ma Cherie is turning into a beautiful doe and we are looking forward to getting her into the show ring. Her millk production has been incredibly strong for a first freshener with 4.5 lbs at 38 Days in MIlk. Ma Cherie’s dam, SGCH Cabochon Petit Sirah 2*M (VVEE90) is a second generation SGCH doe and we would be thrilled if Ma Cherie continued that into the third generation.

The kids’ sire, Cabochon XY Prosecco, has Superior Genetics awards on both sides of his pedigree. He has strong dairy character with great angularity and openness. We have three Prosecco daughters in our herd and all have beautiful, well attached udders with large, easy to milk teats.

SGCH Carl B’s OH Sweet Champagne *M (EX VEEE 91) is a permanent champion, has a Superior Gentics designation, and milked more than 900 pounds last lactation. She earned her SG award on her very first lactation. She finished her permanent championship and scored 90 on LA at only 3 years old. She has a 2:1 PTI of 112 and a 1:2 PTI of 123.

Sire – Cabochon XY Prosecco
Dam – Cabochon CN Ma Chérie

Gold doe with moon spots, P41
Gold buck, P42

Indy’s Triplets

This breeding brings together exceptional genetics for conformation and production from both their sire and dam. As a yearling, Indy earned her first Grand Champion leg along with 2 Reserve Grands. She freshened as a two year old and milked 1,060 lbs. Indy has a beautifully attached udder, scoring Excellent in mammary on Linear Appraisal. Her extra large teats make her a dream to milk by hand.

The kids’ sire, Cabochon SIG Marco Polo AI *B, excels in general appearance and dairy character. Marco’s dam, Cabochon Amelia 3*M VEEE 91,  is a beautiful doe with beautiful conformation and excellent production milking more than 1,100 pounds in her third lactation.

Marco is sired by the 2015 ADGA Spotlight Sale Nigerian Dwarf Buck, Heaven’s Hollow Sig Sauer. Sig Sauer’s dam, SGCH Wyojem Wendy Kiki (EEEE 91), is a Superior Genetics Grand Champion who has many outstanding accomplishments including:
-2012 National Reserve Best Udder
-2013 National Champion Nigerian Dwarf
-2014 Top Ten Milk Production
-LA of EEEE 91 at 8 years old

Sire – Cabochon SIG Marco Polo AI *B
Dam – Cabochon PR Indian Summer 3*M

Buckskin doe, P38
Polled Buck, P39
Disbudded buck, P40

Calliope’s Triplets

Calliope delivered triplets on March 18th. Calliope is a standout milker who earned a Superior Genetics designation and ELITE status as a first freshener. She comes from a long line of proven milkers and is a fourth generation Superior Genetics doe a second generation ELITE milker. Calliope has large teats and a very soft udder texture which make her a joy to milk by hand.

The kids’ sire is Cabochon DJ Casanova *B out of Liberty Star Acres Annabelle 2*M EEEV90 who has the longevity we look for, scoring Ex 90 for the third time at 8 years old. Casanova has already proven his abiltiy to sire daughters with outstanding production and excellent conformation. He is sire to SG Cabochon CN Whatchamacallit 2*M “Libby” VEEV 90 who milked 1,247 pound last year .

Sire – Cabochon DJ Casanova *B
Dam – SG Cabochon ZZ Calliope 4*M ELITE Doe

Black doe, P35
Buckskin buck, P36
Black buck, P37

Bibelot’s Twins

Bibelot delivered a pair of look-alike twin doelings on March 17th. The girls are a pretty chocolate buckskin color that will probably darken with age to a beautiful deep chocolate like their dam. I’m expecting these girls to be great milkers with quality udders. As a bonus, one of the doelings is polled.

Cabochon MP Bibelot is very dairy and has a long, lean neck and a long bone pattern. She is a very eye catching young doe who won Grand Champion Jr Doe to earn her first championship leg at the Bluff Country Dairy goat show. Bibelot freshened this year as a yearling and has a nicely attached udder with long, easy to milk teats. Bibelot’s dam, SG Cabochon CN Whatchamacallit 2*M VEEV 90; is one of the best milkers in our herd at 1,247 lbs last year as a third freshener

The sire, Cabochon PR Pando *B, is a long, sharp buck out of Cabochon PB Mapleshade 4*M VEEE 90, who is a wide, open doe with beautiful attachments and large teats. We have two Pando daughters in our herd, Cabochon PAN Believe In Angels 5*M and Cabochon PAN Wildfire 4*M, who both performed very well in the show ring as kids with Wildfire winning a Grand Champion leg. I’m loving the attachments on both of these does this year as second fresheners.

Sire – Cabochon PR Pando *B
Dam – Cabochon MP Bibelot

Polled chocolate buckskin doe, P33
Chocolate buckskin doe, P341

Bibelot as a Senior kid – Grand Champion Jr Doe at the Bluff Country Dairy Goat Show 2021