Chloe’s Girls

Photo of Nigerian Dwarf Doelings

Chloe delivered twin doelings Friday afternoon. While both girls are technically buckskin in color, they are very ChloeAndConfettiWebdifferent in the way they look. The littlest one is a miniature model of Chloe herself, mostly dark with a few white specks. The bigger sister is mostly white with cute little brown and black speckles.

The white twin, nicknamed “Speckles”, had some difficulty with wobbly back legs the first day but she’s looking much better today. Sometimes a kid is just scrunched up in the womb and needs time to stretch out and strengthen it’s muscles and tendons.

SpecklesBoth of these little cuties are getting lots of attention and they are loving every minute of it, just like their mom. They both love to snuggle, climb on laps and give “sniffy kisses”. I had a heck of a time trying to get photos because as soon as I’d lie down to get on their level, they’d come running over to say hi. I finally had to recruit Kati to help distract them long enough to get some photos!


Kati, Confetti & Speckles