Mini Alpines!

Penelope delivered beautiful twin doelings on Sunday, March 13th around 9:00 p.m.  She had been pawing most of the day so we knew she was going into labor and were able to be with her when she delivered. Both girls were up and nursing in record time and after a little first-time mom confusion, Penelope quickly figured out her role in this adventure and settled in to be an excellent momma.

Photo of Alpine doe with mini alpine kids


We are excited to venture into the world of mini Alpines and will most likely be retaining one of these girls to see for ourselves how they live up to their reputation for being exceptional homestead milkers with the richer milk of a Nigerian combined with increased production from the Alpine. But they are both so darned cute it will be hard to choose which one to keep!



Photo of mini Alpine doeling
Baby goats make even the most atrocious barn fashions look cute!
She’s a little princess and she knows it!