Hurricane’s Boy

Hurricane kidded early in the morning, luckily before anyone had left for work or school because her little boy was chilled through and had to spend his first several hours in the house getting warmed up and bottle fed to make sure he survived.  (Many thanks to an understanding boss and the ability to work from home while tending a baby goat.) He had a bit of a rough start, but it has made him quite the affectionate little snuggle bunny. He will pester and paw until you pick him up and then he’s content just to lie in your arms for however long you’re willing to hold him.

While he’s a full week younger and smaller than Dolly’s boys, he keeps up with their shenanigans whether he’s outside playing in the snow, or chasing around in the barn. He’s gotten the nickname “Mouse” because he seems so small compared to the older, bigger boys.


