Tsunami’s Doeling

Tsunami easily delivered a beautiful single doeling on June 23. As a daughter of one of our best does, SGCH Carl B’s Stormstruck  2*M VEEE 91, Tsnumai is carrying on in mother’s footsteps with a beautifully attached udder and amazing spring of rib. She’s already milking very well as a yearling and I’m looking forward to watching her mature.

The doeling’s sire is Cabochon DJ Casanova *B out of Liberty Star Acres Annabelle 2*M who has the longevity we look for, scoring Ex 90 for the third time at 8 years old. Casanova has already proven his abiltiy to sire daughters with outstanding production and excellent conformation. He is sire to SG Cabochon CN Whatchamacallit 2*M “Libby” VEEV 90 who is a 1,000 pound milker in our herd and he has several daughters in other herds as well.

I really wanted to add another Casanova daughter to the herd this year so this little lady will be staying. I am looking forward to watching her grow up.

Sire – Cabochon DJ Casanova *B
Dam – Cabochon DP Tsunami

Black & White Doeling, N55

High Tide’s Twins

High Tide easily delivered twins right on her due date of May 18th. As a daughter of one of our best does, SGCH Carl B’s Stormstruck  2*M VEEE 91, we were expecting great things from this very dairy doe and she is certainly living up to those expectations.

High Tide is milking a phenomenal amount for a yearling first freshener at 4.3 and 4.6 and 4.2 pounds on her first three milk tests. She has an incredibly soft, supple udder and milks out like a dream.

The kids’ sire is Cabochon SIG Marco Polo *B AI, a promising young buck out of Cabochon Amelia 3*M VEEE 91. Amelia is an exceptional milker who produced over 1,100 lbs during her 3rd lactation and scored VEEE 91 on Linear Appraisal. Marco’s sire is Heaven’s Hollow Sig Sauer, the 2015 ADGA Spotlight Sale Nigerian Dwarf Buck. Sig Sauer’s dam is SGCH Wyojem Wendy Kiki *M EEEE 91, who has many outstanding accomplishments including 2012 National Reserve Best Udder, 2013 National Champion Nigerian Dwarf, 2014 Top Ten Milk Production, and excellent longevity with an LA of EEEE 91 at 8 years old.

Sire – Cabochon SIG Marco Polo AI *B
Dam – Cabochon DP High Tide

Chocolate doeling, N47
Chocolate and white buckling, N48

Angel’s Twins

Angel easily delivered buck/doe twins on May 15th. Both kids look so much like Angel and have so much of her personality that you can’t miss them in herd. Angel is a yearling first freshener this year who rocked her first milk test with 3.7 lbs at only 20 days in milk. It looks like her milk production is going to take after her dam, SG Cabochon ZZ Calliope 4*M, who has made every Elite list each each year since she freshened as a yearling herself.

The kids’ sire is Cabochon SIG Marco Polo *B AI, a promising young buck out of Cabochon Amelia 3*M VEEE 91. Amelia is an exceptional milker who produced over 1,100 lbs during her 3rd lactation and scored VEEE 91 on Linear Appraisal. Marco’s sire is Heaven’s Hollow Sig Sauer, the 2015 ADGA Spotlight Sale Nigerian Dwarf Buck. Sig Sauer’s dam is SGCH Wyojem Wendy Kiki *M EEEE 91, who has many outstanding accomplishments including 2012 National Reserve Best Udder, 2013 National Champion Nigerian Dwarf, 2014 Top Ten Milk Production, and excellent longevity with an LA of EEEE 91 at 8 years old.

Sire – Cabochon SIG Marco Polo AI *B
Dam – Cabochon PAN Believe In Angels

Light buckskin doeling, N45
Light buckskin buckling, N46

Diamond’s Doeling

Diamond had a single doeling on April 27th and we will be retaining this lovely girl. Diamond is that daughter of one of our best does, SGCH Carl B’s Stormstruck  2*M VEEE 91, who we sadly lost this year in kidding so we are excited to be able to retain another generation of her line. Diamond has a beautiful udder with excellent attachments and well placed, easy to milk teats. Diamond is also an amazing milker who made the Elite list as a yearling first freshener last year.

The doeling’s sire is Cabochon SIG Marco Polo *B AI, a promising young buck out of Cabochon Amelia 3*M VEEE 91. Amelia is an exceptional milker who produced over 1,100 lbs during her 3rd lactation and scored VEEE 91 on Linear Appraisal. Marco’s sire is Heaven’s Hollow Sig Sauer, the 2015 ADGA Spotlight Sale Nigerian Dwarf Buck. Sig Sauer’s dam is SGCH Wyojem Wendy Kiki *M EEEE 91, who has many outstanding accomplishments including 2012 National Reserve Best Udder, 2013 National Champion Nigerian Dwarf, 2014 Top Ten Milk Production, and excellent longevity with an LA of EEEE 91 at 8 years old.

I’m excited to add this girl to our breeding program!

Sire – Cabochon SIG Marco Polo AI *B
Dam – Cabochon PR Diamond Dust 3*M VVEE 88 ELITE Doe

Gold doeling, N44

Josephine’s 2021 Quadruplets

Josephine had quadruplets again this year easily and quickly delivering three doelings and a buckling on April 9th. Unfortunately we lost one of the doelings, but the other three are thriving. Josephine is a beautifully elegant doe who catches everyone’s eye. Josephine has large teats which makes her a favorite on the milk stand. She is one of the smaller goats in the herd at just under 20 inches tall.

The sire, Cabochon ZZ Sweet William *B, has produced some exceptional daughters. His daughters have multiple show wins and production awards including a Superior Genetics Grand Champion daughter, SGCH Cabochon Petit Sirah 2*M VVEE 90

Sire – Cabochon ZZ Sweet William *B
Dam – Cabochon PB Josephine 2*M VEEV 89

Chamoisee doeling with blue eyes, N40
Black doeling with blue eyes, N41
Chamoise buckling with blue eyes, N43
The doelings

Trinket’s Twins

Trinket delivered twins in the middle of the afternoon on April 8th. It is so nice when a doe decides not to deliver in the middle of the night! Both of these kids are long like their dam. The boy is totally a lap goat and impossible to take photos of because you can’t get far enough away from him to get a photo without someone holding on to him. Since Trinket is a first freshener, he will be wethered and will make a very loving pet.

Trinket has the pedigree to be an excellent milker and we are eager to see how she milks this year. Both her dam and sire’s dam are Superior Genetics does who have proven themselves with Grand Champion wins in the show ring and with award winning performance on the milk stand. She also has two grand dams who are Superior Genetics does. 

The sire Cabochon SIG Marco Polo *B AI is a promising young buck out of Cabochon Amelia 3*M VEEE 90. Amelia is an exceptional milker who produced over 1,100 lbs during her 3rd lactation and scored VEEE 90 on Linear Appraisal. Marco’s sire is Heaven’s Hollow Sig Sauer, the 2015 ADGA Spotlight Sale Nigerian Dwarf Buck. Sig Sauer’s dam is SGCH Wyojem Wendy Kiki *M EEEE 91, who has many outstanding accomplishments including 2012 National Reserve Best Udder, 2013 National Champion Nigerian Dwarf, 2014 Top Ten Milk Production, and LA of EEEE 91 at 8 years old.

Sire – Cabochon SIG Marco Polo AI *B
Dam – Cabochon PR Trinket

Chocolate buckskin doe, N38
Chocolate buckskin doe, N38
Buckskin buck, N39
Buckskin buck, N39

Sassafras’ Girls

Sassafras delivered a beautiful set of triplet doelings on April 7th. Unfortunately we lost one of the doelings a few days later. It appears that she was accidently laid on. Thankfully the other two girls are thriving and keeping Sassfras busy with their antics.

These girls should make very nice home milkers. Sassafras has large, well placed teats that are easy to milk by hand or machine. She even has a Grand Champion and a Reserve Grand Champion win as a Junior.

The sire, Cabochon ZZ Sweet William *B, has produced some exceptional daughters. His daughters have multiple show wins and production awards including a Superior Genetics Grand Champion daughter, SGCH Cabochon Petit Sirah 2*M

Sire – Cabochon ZZ Sweet William *B
Dam – Cabochon XY Sassafras 5*M

Dark buckskin doeling, N35
Buckskin doeling, N36

Moonshine’s Triplets

Moonshine delivered triplets on March 31st after one of those annoying long first freshener early-labors that has you checking on her in the middle of the night until she finally decides to get serious and push the next afternoon. All three kids are super friendly, just like their mom. The doeling is spoken for and because Moonshine is a first freshener, the boys will be wethered.

Moonshine freshened with a very nice udder with excellent attachments and we are excited to see how she milks. So far she looks very promising.

The sire Cabochon SIG Marco Polo *B AI is a promising young buck out of Cabochon Amelia 3*M VEEE 90. Amelia is an exceptional milker who produced over 1,100 lbs during her 3rd lactation and scored VEEE 90 on Linear Appraisal. Marco’s sire is Heaven’s Hollow Sig Sauer, the 2015 ADGA Spotlight Sale Nigerian Dwarf Buck. Sig Sauer’s dam is SGCH Wyojem Wendy Kiki *M EEEE 91, who has many outstanding accomplishments including 2012 National Reserve Best Udder, 2013 National Champion Nigerian Dwarf, 2014 Top Ten Milk Production, and LA of EEEE 91 at 8 years old.

Sire – Cabochon SIG Marco Polo AI *B
Dam – Cabochon ZZ Moonshine

Chocolate doeling, N32
Dark chocolate & white buckling, N33
Buckskin buckling, N34

Calliope’s Quintuplets

Calliope delivered quintuplets on April 1st and being the ELITE milker that she is, she is easily feeding them all and they are thriving under her care. This breeding emphasizes milk production and we are expecting the doelings to continue the family tradition of being exceptional milkers who who are top performers in the breed.

Calliope is a standout milker who earned a Superior Genetics designation and ELITE status as a first freshener. She comes from a long line of proven milkers and is a fourth generation Superior Genetics doe a second generation ELITE milker. Calliope has large teats and a very soft udder texture which make her a joy to milk by hand.

Calliope’s kids are sire by Cabochon DP Dry Ice *B, an exciting young buck that brings together some of the best in our herd. His dam is an Elite milker and his grand dams on both sides of his pedigree are SGCH does scoring VEEE 91. We are expecting Ice to produce excellent milkers who can perform in the showring as well as on the milk stand.

Sire – Cabochon DP Dry Ice *B
Dam – SG Cabochon ZZ Calliope 4*M ELITE Doe

Buckskin Doe, N27
Buckskin Doe, N28
Black Doe, N29
Buckskin Buck, N30
Buckskin Buck, N31
Calliope as a second freshener

Amelia’s Buckling

Amelia delivered a much anticipated AI buckling by Heaven’s
Hollow Sig Sauer,
the 2015 ADGA Spotlight Sale Nigerian Dwarf Buck, on
April 20th.

His pedigree certainly has a lot to offer as a herd sire. His dam milked 1,104 pounds last year and has excellent dairy strength and lovely general appearance. She scored VEEE on Linear Appraisal as a 4 year old with an “E” in mammary.

His sire’s dam, SGCH Wyojem Wendy Kiki *M, has many outstanding
accomplishments including 2012 National Reserve Best Udder, 2013 National Champion Nigerian Dwarf, 2014 Top Ten Milk Production, and LA of EEEE 91 at 8 years old.

Sire – Cabochon ZZ Dom Pérignon
Dam – SG Carl B’s MB Morning Glory *M VEEV 90

Amelia in 2019 – 4 years old, third freshening, milked 1,104 pounds in 305 days