Toffee’s Twins

Toffee delivered a colorful pair of doelings on March 18th with an easy, unassisted delivery and is proving to be a very attentive mother.

Toffee is a very long, dairy doe who earned Reserve Grand Champion as a junior doeling. Since this is her first freshening, we are waiting to see what her numbers will be for milk production.

The kids’ sire, Cabochon DJ Casanova *B, brings udder quality and proven conformation to this breeding. Both his dam and his sire’s dam have received “Excellent” scores on their mammary systems with his dam,
Liberty Star Acres Annabelle 2*M , scoreing EX 90 on linear appraisal and milking more than 900 pounds. We have already retained two of his daugters and they have both earned their Grand Champion Jr. Doeling leg.

Sire – Cabochon DJ Casanova *B
Dam – Cabochon WM English Toffee

Doeling #1
Doeling #1
Doeling #2
Doeing #2
Toffee and her twin doelings