Taffy’s Quadruplets

Taffy delivered another set of quadruplets, two does, two bucks, on Saturday, March 10th.  That was also milk test day so I’m super grateful that she decided to deliver in the middle of the afternoon instead of in the middle of milk test! Especially since both boys needed intervention. When you check the rear end of a doe in labor and see a leg sticking out and nothing else, it’s time to wash up and get the lube!

The first boy decided to test the waters with his foot before committing to the whole birth experience. So we had to go in and find his head and convince him that life would be better if all of him came out to see the world. He was followed by his two rule-following sisters who came into the world on their own like all good goat babies should. But the boys had obviously been plotting together during last five months because the second boy also presented with just one leg.  So I had to push him all the way back in, swirl around poor Taffy’s uterus until I found his head and gently but firmly insist that he stop fooling around and get out into the world because by that point his poor mother really had had enough.

It’s always a blessing to have quads, but it does increase that chances that you’re going to have to help because there is less room for everyone to get positioned where they need to be.  Thankfully Taffy and kids are all doing well and the kids are enjoying exploring their new world.

Buckling on left, doeling on right
Buckling #2
Doeling #2