Quintuplets for Stormstruck

It’s often hard to balance raising livestock with working a full time job and never more so than during birthing season. It’s always best to be nearby in case a doe needs help delivering or a baby needs help getting started, especially when it’s January in Minnesota.  So this year we are inducing our does to deliver a day or two early so that we can be there to attend the births. We induced Stormstruck one day early and I’m so thankful we did because she gave us our first set of quintuplets on Friday January 27th about 5:30 p.m. when we could all be there to help.

When there are that many babies, it’s not unusual for them to be tangled up and for the doe to need assistance.  We helped pull a couple babies and spent a lot of time helping to get everyone dried off and warmed up.  The babies were all a good size ranging from 2.7 – 3.7 pounds with four boys and a girl.

So far Stormstruck has been nursing them all with no problem although we will be teaching them to take a bottle so that we can supplement any that seem to be lagging behind as they grow.

Missy, the sweet little doeling


Tippy, nicknamed for the white tip on his tail
Footsie, nicknamed because he spent his first few hours fascinated with boots instead of his mom
White Tail, because when you have 5 babies and you’re trying to figure out who’s who, naming them after their markings seems like a good idea!
Diamond (he has white diamonds on each side) outside the heat barrel with Missy looking on


One thought on “Quintuplets for Stormstruck

  1. Doelings vary in price according to the accomplishments of their parents. The prices for all kids are listed on the breeding schedule page with more information on our sales policy page.

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