Two New Champions

Nigerian Dwarf, Cabochon Amanda, wins Grand Champion at Little Falls, MN goat show

We are so very proud of our girls’ performance in the first show of the 2016 season at the Little Falls, MN Goat Show on June 4th.  Both Amanda and Windsong earned a Grand Champion and Stormstruck came home with a Reserve Champion. There was a great turnout for the show with 24 entries in the Nigerian Dwarf Junior show with about the same in the senior show.

It was chilly, rainy day with a stiff wind so the goats were pretty cold and not particularly happy. We had clipped the week ahead of time when the weather looked like it was going to be warm. I’ll have to make a note to leave them fuzzy next year! We waited until the next day to take their pictures so we’d have sunshine for them pose with their ribbons.

Cabochon Amanda earns a Grand Champion as a dry yearling
WindsongGCH Little Falls 2016
Cabochon AR Windsong earns her first Grand Champion as a senior kid
Stormstruck ResCh 2016Web
Stormstruck brings home Reserve Champion from the Little Falls, MN Goat Show

In addition to Amanda and Windsong, we brought one other Junior, Josephine, who placed second in her class of six. The poor little thing spent most of her day wrapped up in Clayton’s coat to keep her warm while waiting her turn in the show ring. Really wish I had gotten a photo of that! 🙂

Cabochon PB Josephine placing second in Intermediate kid class at the Little Falls. MN Goat Show.

We brought three senior does in milk: Stormstruck, Glory and Taffy. Stormstruck and Glory each placed first in their class under different judges with Stormstruck going on to win Reserve Champion and Taffy placing second in her class of yearling milkers.

Stormstruck in first place and Glory in second place in the three-year-old milker class.
Taffy in second place in the Yearling Milker class
Kati showing Amanda to her Grand Champion win
Photo of Cabochon PB Josephine
Josephine, her royal cuteness
Amanda & Windsong Champions
Clayton & Kati celebrating their wins – happy to be out of their show whites and back in farm clothes