Milk Stand Upgrade

Milking Nigerian Dwarf Goats in milking parlor in Minnesota

We normally milk twice a day through the summer and then drop down to once a day when school starts to allow time for a little more sleep in the mornings. But this year we have a Linear Appraisal scheduled for October so in order to keep the girls’ udders in top shape, we want to keep up twice a day milking until after our appraisal date.

When faced with the requirement to get an entire herd of goats fed, watered and milked and the milking equipment cleaned before 6:30 a.m., we started looking for opportunities to increase our efficiency. Our solution was to upgrade from our two single milk stands to a gang stanchion which is a milk stand for multiple goats. This would allow us to go from milking two goats at a time to milking six at a time.Photo of milking stand (stanchion) for six goats made in Minnesota

Photo of gang stanchion - six goat milk stand for Nigerian DwarfClayton has become the primary farm carpenter this year so he was assigned as the project lead. Luckily he’s been making and selling single milk stands for a while now so he had some experience under his belt. But it was still a bit daunting to draft plans for a stand that combined six working head gates into one functional piece that would fit in our little milk room.Six Nigerian Dwarf goats in milk parlor on milk stand

After several days of planning on paper, we kicked off construction over the Labor Day weekend and spent three days cutting, gluing and screwing our new masterpiece. We finished just in time to install it in time for the Monday evening milking.

I was worried about how the girls might react to the new stand and the accompanying change in routine but with a little reassurance they figured it out and adjusted surprisingly quickly. Photo of Nigerian Dwarf goat in gang stanchion milk stand

I’m happy to report that the new stand is indeed a huge time saver for us, reducing our milking time by almost 30 minutes. Although I’m still planning to cut back to once a day milking and sleep a little longer in October!

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