Sweet Champagne

View Page SGCH Carl B’s OH Sweet Champagne *M DOB: 2/28/2015 — DNA on file2019 LA: VEEE 91 Champagne combines beautiful conformation with excellent milk production. She earned her Superior Genetics award on her very first lactation and at only 2 years old. At three years old she finished her permanent championship, scored VEEE 90…

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Petit Sirah

SGCH Cabochon Petit Sirah  2*M DOB: 3/12/17 — DNA on file VEEE 90 Petit Sirah is a petite doe with sky blue eyes and a high-potential pedigree with both her dam and her sire’s dam having been designated as Superior Genetics does and now Peit has earned her own Superior Genetics designation on her first lactation!…

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GCH (pending) Cabochon Amelia 3*M DOB: 7/14/2015 — DNA on fileVEEE 91 Amelia has beautiful general appearance and excellent dairy strength and is maturing into a very hard working doe milking over 1,100 pounds in her third lactation with 6.4% butterfat.  She is one of those classic does that just gets better and better as she…

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Indian Summer

Cabochon PR Indian Summer 3*M DOB: 3/8/2019VEEE 90 Indy is one of our most exciting 2019 kids.  She is a sharp, eye catching doeling who already has her first Grand Champion win and two Reserve Champion wins. Her pedigree is packed with award winning goats and I’m excited to see her first freshening udder in…

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Cabochon MP Destiny 4*M DOB: 3/18/22VVVE 88 Destiny is a stylish doe with lovely general appearance and dairy strength.  My favorite qualities are her her wide set rear legs, her upright pasterns and her strong, level topline and her long, lean neck. I’m also excited that her teats look like they will be large which…

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Diamond Dust

GCH Cabochon PR Diamond Dust 3*M ADGA Nigerian Dwarf Elite Doe 2020 DOB: 3/8/2019 Diamond is was easily our favorite first freshener of 2020.  Her personality is a joy, she has a gorgeous udder with easy to milk teats, she earned first place in every class she showed in and she earned ADGA Elite status. …

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GCH Cabochon PAN Believe In Angels 5*M DOB: 4/23/2020 VEEV 89 Angel finished her permanent championship as a four year old. Some of her best traits are her rump width, straight front legs, well angulated rear legs, her stong topline and of course her well attached udder. Angel also has a friendly and curious personality that…

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High Tide

Cabochon DP High Tide 3*M Elite ADGA Nigerian Dwarf Elite Doe 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 DOB: 2/28/2020 VVVE 88 High Tide (aka Zoe) is all about production and is the best milker in our herd. As a yearling first freshener, she produced 1,086 lbs in 319 days. ( Her first there milk tests were 4.3, 4.6…

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Cabochon DP Amber 3*M DOB: 3/20/2020VVEV 88 Amber is a pretty doe that is hard to do justice to in a photograph.  Hopefully she’ll be more cooperative as a second freshener. Amber’s strongest qualities are her width, rump (E) and teat placement. She is milking very well as a first freshener and will finisher her…

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Sea Ice

Cabochon DP Sea Ice 4*M Elite ADGA Nigerian Dwarf Elite Doe 2022, 2023, 2024 DOB: 5/7/2020GEEE 88 Sea Ice AKA “Squeeze” is a very social doeling who has loved being held and hugged from birth – hence the nickname Squeeze.  Her capricious antics are usually focused around seeking attention and loving squeeze from whomever is nearby. …

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Polka Dot

Cabochon PR Polka Dot 4*M DOB: 3/24/22VVEE 88 I was excited about this doeling before she was even born because she is line bred on our lovely SGCH Carl B’s OH Sweet Champagne *M VEEE 91 by Cabochon XY Prosecco. Polka Dot is everything you would want in a doeling – long, level and wide…

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Cabochon CN Scarlet 4*M DOB 1/19/23GVVV 86 (FF) Scarlet freshened with a good capacity and nice sized, plumb teats that are a joy to milk. She has straight, strong feet and legs and a level topline. She is doing well in both the showing ring and the milking parlor as a yearling and she has…

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Cabochon PR Kira Salek DOB: 3/27/21VVVV 86 Kira is an exciting up-and-coming young doe. Her pedigree is a combination of our highest-perfoming genetics. Her dam, GCH (pend) Cabochon Amelia 3*M VEEE 91  finished her championship in 2022 with three Grand Champion wins, two Reserve Grand Champion wins, and two Best of Breed wins. Amelia has…

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Cabochon WM Himalaya 3*M DOB: 2/27/2022VGVV 86 (FF) Himalaya, “Laya”, is the last daughter of out of GCH Liberty Star Acres Annabelle 2*M “Dolly” before she retired. Dolly is has outstanding longevity, winning a very competive class at 11 years old. Laya’s show career started off with promise winning 2 Reserve Grand Champions in her…

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