Hidden Palms 2Z Phantom *B
DOB: 1/5/2021 — DNA on file
Photo credit to S.W.A.K Farm
I added Phantom to my tank for the beautiful general appearance and strong dairy character of both his dam and sire’s dam.
Phantom’s dam, GCH Rosasharn RS B My Opera Star 5*M EEEE 92, has scored Excellent in just about every linear appraisal category including the most important to me: General Appearance, Mammary, Rump, Shoulders, Front and Rear Legs. Opera Star has done extremely well in the showring finishing her permanent championship at 5 years old including two Best In Show wins. She also demonstrates ideal longevity scoring EEEE 92 at eight years old with an ageless udder height of 39.
Phantom’s sire’s dam, Old Mountain Farm Fat Tuesday 3*M EEEE 91, has scored Excellent in General Appearance, Mammary, Rump, Front and Rear Legs, and Back. She is an absolutely stunning doe to look at and she milks well with a 77th percentile ranking.
Phantom‘s Pedigree:
Sire’s Sire – Old Mountain Farm Grey Cheek *B +++ 82 (1 year old)
Sire – Old Mountain Farm Shrove Tuesday *B VEE 89
Sire’s Dam – Old Mountain Farm Fat Tuesday 3*M EEEE 91
Dam’s Sire – Rosasharn GX Ringo Star*B VVE 87
Dam – GCH Rosasharn RS B My Opera Star 5*M EEEE 92
Dam’s Dam – SG Rosasharn UMT Honey Bee *4*M VVEE 88

Dam – GCH Rosasharn RS B My Opera Star 5*M EEEE 92, photo credits to Hidden Palms Farm

Sire’s Dam – Old Mountain Farm Fat Tuesday EEEE 92, photos courtesy of Old Mountain Farm