CUatLilRedBarn Fuddy Duddy *B
DOB: 4/28/2020 — DNA on file
Photo credit to Crescent Ranch
Fuddy Duddy is the son of the 2018 Reserve National Champion doe, SGCH Old Mountain Farm Shy Elk 2″*M EEEE 92. Shy Elk is a beautiful doe who has stood the test of time. As an eight year old, she scored EEEE 92 with a 38 in Rear Udder Arch, Fore Udder, Rump Angle and Rump Width along with Es in Back and Rump. As a Superior Genetics designated doe, Shy Elk can move the breed forward in both conformation and production.
His sire’s dam, GCH CU at Lil’Red Barn Abby, scores Excellent in General Appearance, Mammary, Dairy Strength, Back, Rear Legs, and Rump. Abby’s superior conformation lead her to success in the show ring where she became a finished Champion at four years of age. That same year she appraised with FS90 and the next year with FS91.
Fuddy Duddy‘s Pedigree:
Sire’s Sire – Wood Bridge Farm Winter Storm *B +EE 87
Sire – CH CUatLilRedBarn Fred VEE 90
Sire’s Dam – GCH CU at Lil’Red Barn Abby *M EEEE 91
Dam’s Sire – SG Old Mountain Farm Bold Elk *B +EE 87
Dam – SGCH Old Mountain Farm Shy Elk 2*M EEEE 92
Dam’s Dam – SG Old Mountain Farm Mila Quinn *M VEEE 90