
Cabochon DJ Casanova +*B DOB: 1/26/2016 — DNA on file LA 2017: VEV 87 This is our first retained home-grown buckling. Casanova is a very promising buckling out of Libery Star Acres Annabelle 2*M EEEV90 and Wren Farm VA Don Juan. He scored an 87 on his LA as a yearling with an “excellent” on his front legs…

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Cabochon XY Prosecco DOB: 4/8/2018– DNA on file Prosecco combines strong dairy character, great angularity and openness with a pedigree with Superior Genetics awards on both sides. His dam, SGCH Carl B’s OH Sweet Champagne *M (VEEE 91) achieved her permanent championship at only three years old. His sire’s dam is SG AGS Pocket Sized TB…

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Winning Ticket

IlenesRascals Winning Ticket DOB: 4/24/2024 — DNA on file, sire qualified I wasn’t really in the market for a new buck but when I saw photos of Ticket’s dam’s udder, I was in love. After digging into his pedigree, I realized that I really did need a new buck after all! Ticket has exceptionally strong…

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Better Wayz Bodacious *B  DOB: 2/8/2023 — DNA on file, Parent Qualified I looked long and hard for a buckling that checked all the boxes on my wishlist and Bodacious brings it all! Both his dam and sire’s dam are EEEE 92 does who have milked more than 1300 lbs in a lactation. He is…

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Cabochon PR Pando *B DOB: 3/8/2019 — DNA on file 2021 LA: VEE 88  Pando’s dam and sire’s dam have wonderful teat placement and beautiful udders so we are looking for more of that in his daughters.  We retained two Pando Daughters from his first crop in 2020 and I’m thrilled with how they have performed…

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Dry Ice

Cabochon DP Dry Ice *B  DOB: 5/7/2020 — DNA on file2021 LA: VVV 85 Dry Ice is an exciting young buck that brings together some of the best in our herd. His dam is a permanent champion, and an excellent milker. His grand dams on both sides of his pedigree are SGCH does scoring VEEE 91. …

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Marco Polo

Cabochon SIG Marco Polo AI *B  DOB: 4/20/2020 — DNA on file2021 LA: +VV 84 Marco Polo is an AI kid sired by the 2015 ADGA Spotlight Sale Nigerian Dwarf Buck, Heaven’s Hollow Sig Sauer.  Marco excels in general appearance and dairy character.  We love his front end assembly and his angularity. As an added…

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Sweet William

Cabochon ZZ Sweet William *B DOB: 6/19/2016 — DNA on file2017 LA: +V+ 84 William is a nice, sharp kid out of SG Carl B’s MB Morning Glory (VEEV 90), a beautiful doe who earned her Superior Genetics designation in 2016 putting her in the the top 15% of all Nigerian Dwarf does on both…

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Cabochon CN Riptide *B DOB: 6/5/2022 — DNA on file Riptide’s long neck, stong brisket, level back and straight legs made him a stand out as baby.  His dam, Cabochon DP High Tide 3*M, has chart topping milk production milking more than 1,000 lbs as a young yearling. And his sire’s dam, Libery Star Acres…

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